Friday 28 December 2012


I can’t say no. I want to, but I can’t. Not anymore. 

My boss came up to me, demanded that I work triple overtime without extra pay. His face was expressionless, his voice monotone.

And I said yes.

The words just tumbled out of my mouth.

I tried to say no, but my throat locked up on me.

St. Clair was stunned. 

He nodded, then walked away.

So I worked until 9, then stayed until 10. Because he asked me to. Because he told me to give the office a once-over, to make sure everything was clean.

I only stopped the data entry at 9 because he told me to stop. It felt like being in the subway car again when they held me down, able to twitch, but still held in place.

My wrists hurt. My hands hurt. My back hurts.

The eyes are still watching me. I feel them every time other people are near me. I can feel them staring, like they can see the words on my chest. I feel them every time I turn on a light.

But in the dark, I’m reminded that It still knows where I am. In the dark, I still hear growling outside my window.

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